We may all come across the issue of how to support Multi language in My-Sql. For that UTF-8 is the best way to do that. Here is the steps need to follow to achive UTF-8 support.

  1. While creating table make sure the table characterset should be configured with UTF-8.


  2. While creating table make sure the table characterset should be configured with UTF-8.


  3. Configure the utf-8 encoding in jndi configuration of mysql. If you are using apachi tomcat, you can find the finguration under context.xml followed by schema name

    Find the reference as below:

  4. In Case if you are working with web application to enable UTF-8, configure the force encoding of all incomming request in web.xml.

  5. To Support Multilanguage search in data table, do the below configuration in tomcat server of server.xml file